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About me &


My interest in food started like everyone else in enjoying my food.  Born and bred in Singapore, I grew up on the flavourful bounty of delicious food that Singapore kitchens have to offer.  I remember flipping through my mother�s food magazines as a child, salivating at the sight of delicious food photos, and imagining how they will taste.  As I grew older and became exposed to other cuisines, I enjoy the experience of savouring new food as much as re-creating them in my own kitchen.

Increasingly over the years, food history has become my interest and my passion. Through food, I came to learn the history and culture of a community and a region.  With food, I traverse the world with gusto, tasting the joys and tribulations of each different people.  In food, I travel back in time, fascinated not only with how our food had changed  but increasingly how inter-connected we are with the myriad of produce we share across the world. 

Produce such as chillies, peanuts and maize which I had taken for granted when growing up piqued my interest when I came to learn of how �new� they are to Asia, being introduced to the region from the Americas only in the last 500 years!  With that, I never looked at sambal or peanut satay sauce in the same way again. 

The study of food history in Singapore is very much in its nascent stage.  Though truly food history as a discipline in the world only started growing in the last thirty years or so.  Today there are numerous excellent food history magazines (eg. Gastronomica, Petit Propos Culinaire, and the mass market Saveur) as well as food history organisations.  I have the good fortune to be welcomed with open arms by the Culinary Historians of Boston during my two year stay in this lovely historic city.  Interacting with the culinary community in Boston pried wide open my interest in this area.  I know we have much to learn of our food in Singapore.

Singapore is a very young country compared to many communities and civilizations of the world.  As the community we are today, we have a shared history of less than two hundred years since the British colonized the island in 1819.   Yet in these two hundred years there are plenty to learn of how we ate, and how Singapore cuisine had evolved from disparate strains of immigrant cuisines to its glorious offerings today.

I started to share the little that I know of Singapore food history with anyone who is interested in Singapore food.  I am but a student of the subject.  Through research, interviews and digging in the libraries, I found it thrilling to discover old cookbooks (the oldest I read was a 1946 Singapore cookbook!), or learn snippets of information that throws light on our foodways or a dish. 

Eventually, it is my hope that this will become a forum for other Singapore food historians and enthusiasts to discuss and share our interest in the food we eat. 

Therefore I warmly welcome contributions of articles, comments, recipes, book recommendations and event listing on the subject of Singapore Food History.  I also invite you to sign up for a regular e-newsletter on the latest offerings on   To do so, just simply email me at ailing.devadas AT 

Enjoy your food!

Ai Ling Sim-Devadas / Copyright 2005 by Ai Ling Sim-Devadas